Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER)

In the event that an Active Shooter/Hostile Event is occuring on campus, the following actions are recommended:

  • If possible, lock yourself in the room you are in.
  • If communication is available, Dial or Text 9-1-1.
  • Don't stay in the open hallway.
  • DO NOT activate the fire alarm. A fire alarm would signal the occupants in the other rooms to evacuate the building and, thus, place them in potential harm as they attempt to exit.
  • Barricade yourself (find or create defensible space) in a room with furniture or anything you can push up against the door.
  • Protect yourself with any available barriers, such as concrete walls, desks or tables.
  • Lock classroom, lab, and/or office doors.
  • Lock windows and close blinds.
  • Stay away from windows.
  • Turn off all lights and audio equipment.
  • Turn cell phones and pagers to silent mode, if safe to do so, dial or text 9-1-1
  • Try to stay calm and be as quiet as possible.
  • If for some reason you are caught in an open area such as a hallway or lounge, seek the closest available area for refuge or shelter.

Note: The previous information cannot cover every possible situation that might occur. If there is gunfire or explosives are discharged, you should take cover immediately. After the disturbance, seek emergency treatment if necessary.

Contact Information

EMERGENCY: Dial or Text 9-1-1

Non-Emergency, Department of Police, Safety, and Security: 757-825-2732

VPCC Active Shooter Hostile Threat Awareness

VPCC Active Shooter Hostile Threat Awareness - Captioned