In order to determine accommodations for students with learning disabilities, an evaluation must have been completed when the student was a young adult (16 years or older), using adult instruments and scales, or within the last three (3) years. Documentation should consist of a report from a licensed educational psychologist, clinical psychologist, or learning disability specialist. Assessment must be comprehensive and include a test from each category that follows:
- Aptitude
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Revision 3
- Woodcock Johnson - Revised
- Tests of Cognitive Ability
- Kaufman Adult Intelligence Test
- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale - 4th Edition
- Achievement
- Woodcock Johnson - Revised: Tests of Achievement
- Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests - Revised - Forms G or H
- Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
- Stanford Test of Academic Skills
- Scholastic Abilities Test for Adults
- (The WRAT 2 or 3 is not acceptable as a sole measure of achievement).
- Information Processing
- Any appropriate assessment of information processing including the Wechsler Adult
- Intelligence Scale - Revision 3, Woodcock Johnson - Revised: Tests of Cognitive Ability,
- Wechsler Memory Scales, Wide Range Test of Memory and Learning, SCAN-A, L.E.T.,
- Halstead-Reitman subtests, DTLA, etc.
Diagnostic report must include
- Clinician's name, title, license number, phone number, and address; summary of all instruments and procedures; dates of evaluations
- Written summary of educational, medical, family histories and behavioral observations
- All test scores (subtests and standard scores, percentiles), and a detailed interpretation of the results including strengths and weaknesses
- Clearly describe intracognitive and or aptitude-achievement discrepancies (reflecting significance criteria typically greater than 1.5 standard deviations), or the clinician's rational for clinical judgment
- Statement of how the learning disability substantially interferes with the student's educational progress, along with recommendations with academic accommodations